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Viking & re-enactment

Silver cloak pins

Silver cloak pins

Two silver cloak pins. Stamped with patterns from viking hacksilver finds.

Braid ornament with valknut

Braid ornament with valknut

Hacksilver armband

Hacksilver armband

This armband is based on pieces of hacksilver found throughout England and northern Europe. Items such as these were chopped up and used for payment, hence the name hacksilver.

Hacksilver armband

Hacksilver armband

This armband is based on pieces of hacksilver found throughout England and northern Europe. Items such as these were chopped up and used for payment, hence the name hacksilver.

Hacksilver armband

Hacksilver armband

This armband is based on pieces of hacksilver found throughout England and northern Europe. Items such as these were chopped up and used for payment, hence the name hacksilver.

Ring, Denmark

Ring, Denmark

Viking ring, sterling silver, various sizes. Pattern is loosely based a gold armring found in Denmark. Width appr: 6-10mm

Ring, Norway

Ring, Norway

Viking ring, sterling silver, various sizes. Pattern based a bronze armring found in Norway. Fragments of jewelry like this is often found in pieces, so-called "hacksilver", as it was cut up and used as payment in trades. Width appr: 6-10mm

Viking ring

Viking ring

Viking ring, sterling silver. Pattern based on numerous rings and armrings, found amongst others from northern England, Denmark and Poland. Fragments of jewelry like this is often found in pieces, so-called "hacksilver", as it was cut up and used as payment in trades. Width appr: 7mm



Numerous armbands have been found throughout northern Europe. These are made of silver, and stamped with replicas of viking patterns.

Silver cross

Silver cross

This cross is based on a find from Denmark, and is dated around 1050 AD. The period is near the end of the viking age, 793-1066 AD, and the cross marks the transition from the old beliefs in nordic mythology, to the new progressive christian religion. Size appr. 4cm long.

Mask pendant

Mask pendant

This piece is based on a find from a viking grave in Birka, Sweden. It depicts a man wearing a helmet, and is made of solid Sterling silver. Size appr. 4,5 cm long.

Cross, Sweden

Cross, Sweden

Christian cross, bronze, viking age find from Birka. This piece is based on an archeological viking find from Birka, Sweden. The original was made in silver. It is the same size as the original and measures appr. 22mm across.

Cross, Sweden

Cross, Sweden

Christian cross, bronze, viking age find from Birka. This piece is based on an archeological viking find from Birka, Sweden. The original was made in silver. It is a few millimeters bigger than the original, and measures appr. 31mm across.

Wolfcross, Iceland

Wolfcross, Iceland

This piece is based on the original find from Iceland. It is of unknown origin, and whether it is a cross or a Thors hammer is much debated. What we do know is, that at this point in time christianity was taking over from the old norse gods, so this hammercross may be a mix of the two religions. But who knows what went through the head of the goldmith who made this 1000 years ago. Size appr. 41x22mm

Viking braid ring

Viking braid ring

Viking braid pattern ring, bronze. Pattern based on a typical braiding ornament.

Ship brooch, Denmark

Ship brooch, Denmark

Viking brooch, bronze, Denmark. This piece is a replica of a brooch found in Denmark, which dates to 800-1050 AD. it depicts a vikingship with the sail folded up and tied to the mast. Size appr. 55x39mm

Belt strap end

Belt strap end

Sterling silver belt strap end. A piece of my own design. At first I did not know where I was going with my lump of wax, but as the hours passed, and I was idling away, this beautiful little belt strap end emerged. Appr. 15x50mm

Belt strap end

Belt strap end

This is a belt strap end, with ornaments based on a viking find from the Isle of Man, England. Appr. 17x90mm. and solid Sterling silver.

Belt strap end

Belt strap end

This is a belt strap end, with ornaments based on a viking find from the Isle of Man, England. Appr. 17x90mm. and solid Sterling silver.

Trefoil brooch

Trefoil brooch

This is a smaller copy of a viking trefoil brooch found in Norway. The trefoil, as this triangular shaped brooch is known, was first used as fittings on frankish swordbelts but was soon adapted by scandinavian women as a decorative. Size appr. 32mm

Hacksilver ring

Hacksilver ring

This ring is based on pieces of hacksilver found throughout England and northern Europe. Items such as these were chopped up and used for payment, hence the name hacksilver.

Belt strap end

Belt strap end

This belt strap end is based on a finding from Birka.

Viking pattern ring

Viking pattern ring

Bronze ring adorned with viking ornament.

Thors hammer earrings

Thors hammer earrings

These earrings are based on the Rømersdal hammer found in Denmark.

Silver ring

Silver ring

Silver ring, viking find from Gotland, Sweden. This ring is based on an archeological viking find from Gotland, Sweden. this is a typical style of twisting silver wire, that was used for rings, armbands, and neckrings.

Silver ring

Silver ring

Silver ring, viking find from Gotland, Sweden. This ring is based on an archeological viking find from Gotland, Sweden. this is a typical style of twisting silver wire, that was used for rings, armbands, and neckrings.

Mammen axe

Mammen axe

Viking axe pendant, bronze, Mammen Denmark. This pendant is based on an archeological find from Mammen, Denmark. The original find was an axehead adorned with an intricate silver inlay pattern, which gave name to the style Mammen.

Mammen axe

Mammen axe

Viking axe pendant, bronze, Mammen Denmark. This pendant is based on an archeological find from Mammen, Denmark. The original find was an axehead adorned with an intricate silver inlay pattern, which gave name to the style Mammen.

Christian cross

Christian cross

Viking christian cross pendant, Sterling silver, Denmark This cross is based on a find from Denmark, and is dated around 1000 AD. The precise finding location is unknown.

Christian cross

Christian cross

Viking christian cross pendant, Sterling silver, Denmark This cross is based on a find from Denmark, and is dated around 1000 AD. The precise finding location is unknown.

Mjolnir 8th century

Mjolnir 8th century

Thors hammer Mjolnir, bronze, 8th century Sweden, based on a find from Odeshög, Sweden. Adorned on all sides with viking ornament, this piece must have been a sensational find for archeologists.

Mjolnir 8th century

Mjolnir 8th century

Thors hammer Mjolnir, bronze, 8th century Sweden, based on a find from Odeshög, Sweden. Adorned on all sides with viking ornament, this piece must have been a sensational find for archeologists.

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin. Ring inner diameter appr. 80mm, thickness 8mm. Needle length 185mm, overall length 230mm, thickness 5mm.

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin. Ring inner diameter appr. 80mm, thickness 8mm. Needle length 185mm, overall length 230mm, thickness 5mm.

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin

Bronze cloak pin. Ring inner diameter appr. 80mm, thickness 8mm. Needle length 185mm, overall length 230mm, thickness 5mm.

Cloak ring brooch

Cloak ring brooch

Cloak ring brooch made for danish reenactment and fightgroup Ulfhednir.

Cloak ring brooch

Cloak ring brooch

Close up Cloak ring brooch

Close up Cloak ring brooch

The wolfheads

Close up Cloak ring brooch

Close up Cloak ring brooch

The raven.

Silver armring

Silver armring

Silver armring with wolfhead terminals. Wolfheads were originally found on a cross from Iceland.

Silver armring Close-up

Silver armring Close-up

Close-up Silver armring with wolfhead terminals. Wolfheads were originally found on a cross from Iceland.

Bronze brooch

Bronze brooch

Bronze brooch based on an archeological find from Birka, Sweden. Adorned with animalheads.

Bronze brooch Close-up

Bronze brooch Close-up

Close-up Bronze brooch based on an archeological find from Birka, Sweden. Adorned with animalheads.

Bronze lamellar belt

Bronze lamellar belt

Bronze lamellar belt, based on a find from Gotland, Sweden. Each lamellar is appr. 6x25mm, handmade and riveted to the belt.

Viking belt buckle, bronze

Viking belt buckle, bronze

Viking belt buckle, bronze. This belt buckle is inspired by a belt buckle presumably from Birka, Sweden. It is made larger than the original, and fits a belt strap 30mm wide. Size appr. 50x45mm For beltstraps 30mm wide.

Viking belt strap divider

Viking belt strap divider

Viking belt strap divider, bronze, size appr. 45mm. This divider is based on an archeological finding from Gotland, Sweden. It depicts the face of a bearded man. Size appr. 43x41mm For belt straps 16mm wide.

Viking belt strap divider

Viking belt strap divider

Viking belt strap divider, bronze, size appr. 45mm. This divider is based on an archeological finding from Gotland, Sweden, and was part of a lamellar belt. Size appr. 45mm For belt straps 20mm wide.

Viking belt buckle, Gotland, Sweden

Viking belt buckle, Gotland, Sweden

Viking belt buckle, bronze, swedish grave finding. This belt buckle is based on a find from Gotland, Sweden. The belt was adorned with lamellarlike studs in bronze, and included a round belt strap divider. Size appr. 34x34mm For beltstraps 23mm wide.

Jormundgar belt buckle

Jormundgar belt buckle

Viking silver belt buckle for beltstraps 22-24mm wide. This piece is my own design, and is greatly inspired by the myth of the World Serpent. Jormundgard, known as the World Serpent, is one of Loki´s offspring and it encircles the entire world from under the sea. In the battle of Ragnarok, Jormundgard and Thor will fight each other and both will perish. Size appr. 38x32mm.

Magyar belt buckle

Magyar belt buckle

Viking silver belt buckle for beltstraps 24mm wide. This is a piece of my own design, with a hint of eastern european influence. The curved bow shape brings your mind to the master bowmen of the Magyar. Size appr. 38x38mm

Waves belt buckle

Waves belt buckle

Viking bronze belt buckle for beltstraps 18mm wide. This is a piece of my own imagination, based on simple viking ornamental designs, and also one of my first pieces ever made, back in 2005. Size appr. 37x42mm.

Thors hammer

Thors hammer

Thors hammer, silver, appr. 4cm long. In the Nordic mythology the hammer was a symbol of strenght and power. Wielded by the god Thor it created thunder and lightning. This is my own design, Handsculpted in wax, and cast using "lost wax" technique, and finally finished by hand.

Celtic cross

Celtic cross

Celtic cross made in Sterling silver. This is one of my early doings, and is based on one of the many beautiful celtic crosses. Appr. 24mm in diameter.

Ring brooch

Ring brooch

Ring brooch, twisted silver, made for thicker pieces of cloth, such as cloaks and capes. Diameter appr. 60mm

Belt stud

Belt stud

Belt stud in silver with pattern inspired by a find from Gotland, Sweden. The pattern from the original find, is viewed directly from above, the rest is my own design. Size appr. 26x17mm

Russian belt stud

Russian belt stud

This is a direct copy of a presumably original viking find from Russia. Unfortunately I have no documentation on it.

Russian belt stud

Russian belt stud

This is a direct copy of a presumably original viking find from Russia. Unfortunately I have no documentation on it.

© 2013 by Draupnir Gold. All rights reserved

Viking jewelry, Thors hammer & custom orders.

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